
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tröegs Mad Elf

Mad Elf poured a clear, dark amber color with a finger width head. The aroma consists of light malt a light fruity sweetness. The body is smooth and malty, with a light sweetness up front, and hop undertones that run throughout the body. The finish has some spices, with a light dryness and a slight alcohol twinge. There is a sweet, fruity aspect to the beer that is pleasant but I just cannot figure it out for the life of me.

Overall, this is a very enjoyable holiday beer. The body is deep and complex, yet somewhat delicate. After some brief research, the light fruity aspect that I could not put my finger on comes from cherries added during the brewing process. The cherries are a nice touch as they do a nice job of hiding the high ABV, without taking over the beer. This is an interesting take on holiday beers from Troegs, but I think they found a winner.

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