Flying Dog's Dogtoberfest is the 2009 Great American Beer Festival's gold medal winner for the German Style Märzen category, beating out 44 other entries.
The beer poured a clear, dark amber color with a thumb width, off white head. The aroma is yeasty, with notes of sweetness and pale malt. The body is smooth and bready, with hops underneath and a sweetness that stays throughtout the entire beer. The finish has a light dryness that works well with the rest of the body.
Overall, this is a pretty enjoyable beer. The marzen style can be a little one demensional with its bready sweetness but Flying Dog's verson is really well balanced.
I believe Flying Dog also won Gold at the 2008 GABF as well. A simply wonderful example of an Oktoberfest and definitely one I seek out. If you like this brew be sure to try their Gonzo Imperial Porter. It too won Gold at the 2009 GABF.
I have had the Gonzo and it is amazing. I wanted to try the barrell-aged Gonzo but the price is holding me off for a little.
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